Liability Considerations For Off-Road Enthusiasts

Whether you’re a dirt bike enthusiast or an avid off-roader, there are some insurance considerations that you need to keep in mind to make sure you’re covered when you’re out having fun. 

Let’s take a look at some of these considerations so that you can get the right coverage for your vehicle and activities.

Off-road Insurance is not what you think
Liability considerations for off-road enthusiasts
Off-road driving safety: How to stay safe on the trail
Surviving in the wilderness: Basic off-road survival techniques
Navigating dangerous terrain: Safety tips for off-road drivers
Rocks, sand, and more: Off-road driving on different terrain
First aid for off-roaders: What to bring and how to use it
Off-road vehicle insurance: What you need to know
Protecting your off-road investment with insurance
Risk management for off-roaders: Liability and insurance
The importance of off-road vehicle insurance

Damage To The Vehicle

But let’s assume that the damage is minor, and you know that your insurance policy covers any damages to your vehicle. That’s great! But wait a minute… How much does it cover?

If you are like most drivers, you probably don’t know the value of your vehicle. You may think it’s worth $50,000 because that’s how much it sold for when you bought it 8 years ago. 

However, the market value of cars depreciates quickly, especially if they’re driven off-road frequently. You should really check current market values before thinking about what coverage levels are appropriate for your vehicle.

If we go back to our example with Bekkum driving his truck through the mud pit and ruining his suspension system and other components: if he has comprehensive coverage on his policy (which he should) then he should be covered under this section as well as collision coverage (more on that later).

Building a support system after experiencing grief and loss can be difficult, but finding strength in the community can make a big difference. Check out our guide on building a support system after a loss to learn more about the benefits of the community during times of grief.

Third-Party Liability

Third-party liability is a policy that protects you from being sued by a third party, i.e. if you are involved in an accident that causes injury to someone else, or damages their property. This is a required coverage for all vehicles in Ontario and covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged property.

The amount of coverage can vary depending on the vehicle type, but it’s usually set at $1 million per accident with up to $50,000 per person injured and $100,000 total for all claims stemming from one incident (i.e. if two people were injured in your wreck).

Comparison of Third-Party Liability Coverage

Insurance CompanyThird-Party Liability Coverage
Brand X InsuranceFull coverage up to $1 million
Brand Y InsuranceComprehensive coverage up to $500,000
Brand Z InsuranceBasic coverage up to $250,000
Brand A InsuranceEnhanced coverage up to $2 million
Brand B InsuranceStandard coverage up to $750,000

Medical Expenses

You can also get coverage for medical expenses. These include ambulance and hospital bills, as well as doctor fees. However, you can only get this type of coverage for yourself and your spouse and children (not your parents).

You can also get coverage for high-risk activities like skydiving, scuba diving, hang gliding, and bungee jumping. You’ll have to pay an extra premium but it’s worth it if these activities are something your family loves doing together.

If you’re into off-road activities like ATV riding or dirt biking, there are companies that offer such policies with low premiums and high benefits in case of an accident.

If you love fishing but don’t own a boat yet don’t worry: many insurance companies will give discounts on their marine policies when they find out that the vehicle being used is a personal watercraft instead of a traditional boat or yacht.

When venturing off-road, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved and to equip yourself with the necessary survival techniques. Our article on surviving in the wilderness: basic off-road survival techniques provides valuable information to help you navigate challenging situations and stay safe during your adventures.

Injuries To Others

Third-party liability is the coverage that most people are familiar with if they’ve ever submitted a claim. Third-party liability insurance covers injuries to other drivers and passengers, as well as damage to their vehicles. 

The policyholder can face legal action in civil court if they are found responsible for an accident that injures another person or damages their property.

Third-party liability coverage only covers incidents in which the third party was not at fault – so even if you’re not at fault, your insurer may still seek reimbursement from you for damages caused by someone else’s negligence (in some instances). 

For example, let’s say that you’re driving down the highway and someone rear-ends you because they were paying more attention to their phone than the road ahead of them. 

That driver could sue both of us for damages because we have third-party liability insurance policies – but our insurance company would likely go after whoever caused the collision (i.e., them) first since we didn’t cause it ourselves.

Comparison of Injuries to Others Coverage

Insurance CompanyInjuries to Others Coverage
Brand X InsuranceComprehensive coverage up to $1 million
Brand Y InsuranceBasic coverage up to $500,000
Brand Z InsuranceStandard coverage up to $250,000
Brand A InsuranceEnhanced coverage up to $2 million
Brand B InsuranceFull coverage up to $750,000

In this table, we compare the injuries to others coverage offered by different insurance companies. The coverage limits vary between the brands, providing various options for protecting individuals against liability for injuries caused to others.

Air Ambulance Coverage

An air ambulance is a helicopter that can be used to transport patients with critical injuries or illnesses. If you love off-road vehicle sports, you may need it one day. Do you have the coverage?

Air ambulances play an important role in emergency care across the world. In fact, they are often used when patients have life-threatening conditions such as stroke and heart attack as well as severe trauma from accidents involving motor vehicles or other modes of transportation. Air ambulances can also help victims who are trapped inside buildings or mineshafts following a disaster like a flood or an earthquake.

In many areas where these kinds of incidents occur frequently, people will have prearranged agreements with local air ambulance services so that they know exactly how much it will cost them if their loved ones ever need this type of assistance in an emergency situation like those described above but things aren’t always so straightforward for everyone else out there.

Navigating treacherous terrain requires advanced safety knowledge and precautions. Explore our safety tips for off-road drivers in navigating dangerous terrain to ensure a secure and enjoyable off-road experience.

Coverage For Your Spouse And Children

Most standard policies will cover your spouse and children in the event of an accident. However, it is important to note that you must have their names on your policy to be covered. If they are not named on the policy, then they will not be eligible for coverage in the event of an accident.

  • What happens if my spouse or child isn’t named on my policy?

If someone who isn’t listed on your insurance is involved in an accident with you, he/she may still be able to make a claim against you if there’s evidence that he/she was driving with your permission. It’s always best to keep everyone’s name listed on all vehicles so that no one falls through the cracks.

High-Risk Activities

It is important to understand the risks of participating in off-road activities. When you venture outside the boundaries of civilization, you increase your chances of being injured or killed on the trail. 

The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council recommends that before driving a vehicle on a designated trail, you should always wear a helmet, protective clothing, and gloves. Additionally, they recommend checking your tires for proper air pressure and using only certified tires with deep treads.

Comparison of Coverage for Spouse and Children

Insurance CompanyCoverage for Spouse and Children
Brand X InsuranceFull coverage for spouse and children included
Brand Y InsuranceCoverage for spouse and children available as optional add-on
Brand Z InsuranceLimited coverage for spouse and children
Brand A InsuranceEnhanced coverage for spouse and children included
Brand B InsuranceBasic coverage for spouse and children included

Alternative Transportation Coverage

You’re covered for any damage you or your passengers cause to a third party or their property. This protection is in addition to the liability coverage you already have on your automobile policy, and it applies even if you’re driving off-road vehicles like ATVs, dirt bikes, and more.

There are two types of alternative transportation coverage:

  • Accident Medical Coverage
  • Accident Property Damage Coverage

Accident medical coverage pays for medical expenses that are caused by an accident involving one of your off-road vehicles. Accident property damage coverage pays for damages that result from an accident involving one of your off-road vehicles. 

The amount of this protection varies depending on which type of vehicle was involved in the accident; for example, it could be $50k with respect to an ATV or dirt bike but only $25k with respect to a minivan converted into an electric car conversion kit (once converted).

Being prepared for emergencies is essential during off-road excursions. Learn how to administer first aid and pack the right supplies by checking out our comprehensive guide on first aid for off-roaders. Safety should always come first.

Off-Premises Coverage

Off-premises coverage is a kind of liability coverage that can be added to your auto insurance policy. It covers damage you or your vehicle cause when you are off the road, such as damaged roads and property. There are two main types of off-premises coverage:

  • Compensatory Damages Coverage provides compensation for damage done by your car when it’s not on the road (e.g., if you accidentally drive into someone’s fence).
  • Additional Expense Coverage pays expenses resulting from other people’s injuries or property damage caused by your car when it’s not on the road (e.g. if a brick unexpectedly falls from an old building onto your windshield while driving by).

Towing And Labour Costs

Towing and labor costs can be very expensive. Towing companies vary in price, depending on location, the distance of travel, and whether or not they have a flat rate towing charge. 

Some insurance companies cover towing and labor costs if you are involved in an accident off-road. In some cases, however, you may be stuck paying the bill yourself.

Protecting your off-road adventures involves understanding the importance of insurance. Discover what you need to know about off-road vehicle insurance and how it can provide you with the necessary coverage to drive with peace of mind.

Tire Protection Coverage

Tire Protection Coverage is a product that protects you and your family from the costs of repairing or replacing a damaged tire. It also helps pay for up to $1,000 in loss of value coverage if you’re in an accident and your tires are damaged beyond repair.

The benefits include:

Coverage against the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged tire and paying up to $1,000 in loss of value when your tires are damaged beyond repair as a result of an accident (up to $300 for each eligible vehicle)

  • Peace of mind knowing you’re financially protected should anything happen


This list is not exhaustive and there are many other risks that you should consider before hitting the dirt. The key takeaway is that off-road enthusiasts need to be prepared for any eventuality when they take their 4x4s out into the wilderness. 

If you want to stay covered, make sure you read your insurance policy carefully and talk with a specialist about making sure you’re getting all the protection possible.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on off-road driving, liability considerations, and insurance coverage:

Does Car Insurance Cover Off-Road Driving?: This article explains whether car insurance typically covers off-road driving situations and provides insights into policy specifics.

Off-Roading Accident Liability: FindLaw outlines the liability aspects of off-roading accidents, including potential legal issues and responsibilities.

10 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing Off-Road Vehicle Insurance 2022: This resource offers ten important questions to consider before purchasing off-road vehicle insurance, helping you make informed decisions about coverage options.


What are the legal considerations when engaging in off-road driving?

Engaging in off-road driving comes with legal considerations such as adhering to applicable traffic laws, obtaining required permits for certain terrains, and respecting private property rights.

Does off-road driving require specialized insurance coverage?

Off-road driving may require specialized insurance coverage beyond standard auto insurance policies. It’s important to understand the extent of coverage for off-road activities and explore additional insurance options specific to off-road vehicles.

What is the liability for off-road accidents?

Liability for off-road accidents depends on various factors, including negligence, property ownership, and any applicable local or state laws. It is important to consult legal resources and professionals for specific information relevant to your jurisdiction.

Can off-road driving accidents lead to legal consequences?

Off-road driving accidents can potentially lead to legal consequences, ranging from civil liability for property damage or injuries to criminal charges if certain laws are violated. Seeking legal advice is advisable in case of accidents.

What are some safety measures to consider for off-road adventures?

When venturing off-road, it is crucial to take safety precautions, such as wearing seat belts, driving within one’s skill level, using appropriate safety gear, conducting vehicle maintenance, and being aware of potential hazards on the trail.