Preparing For Your First Off-Road Race

If you’re a runner, then you know that there’s nothing more satisfying than crossing the finishing line of a race. 

But for beginners and seasoned pros alike, the off-road scene can be daunting at first. The last thing you want when your heart is pounding and your legs are burning is to succumb to one of these common mistakes.

Ready For Our First Off Road Race
Building a support system after experiencing off-road dangers can be challenging, but finding strength in the community can make a big difference.
Exploring the wilderness during off-road adventures requires basic survival techniques.
Navigating dangerous terrains is a part of off-road driving, and prioritizing safety is vital.
Different terrains pose unique challenges to off-road drivers, and understanding how to handle them is essential.
Being prepared with first aid knowledge is crucial for off-roaders.

Your Runners Are Your Top Priority

Your runners are the most important part of your running gear. You will be spending a lot of time in them, so you want to make sure they are comfortable, breathable and durable. 

The best shoes have good grip on the sole of the shoe as well as a good heel-to-toe drop (the difference between heel height and toe height). 

This helps with stability when running on uneven ground or slippery surfaces like mud.

To help choose the right pair for you, ask yourself these questions:

How long am I going to be wearing these shoes? Where will I be running? What kind of terrain will it be? How often do I run? Am I looking for more cushioning or less? Can my feet handle being crammed into tight spaces like those found in some racing flats or minimalist designs?

Building a support system after experiencing off-road dangers can be challenging, but finding strength in the community can make a big difference. Check out our guide on off-road driving safety to learn more about the benefits of the community in staying safe on the trail.

Invest In Some Quality Running Shorts

If you don’t own a pair of running shorts, now is the time to invest in some quality ones. Running shorts should be comfortable and supportive with built-in liners designed to wick away moisture and keep you dry. 

Look for shorts that have built-in chamois that are lightweight and breathable, but also offer enough protection to keep your sensitive areas from getting rubbed raw by your bike seat or saddlebags.

Some running shorts come with an extra pocket on the side of the leg where riders can store small items like energy gels or keys during their ride. For added comfort, look for shorts with a back pocket for easy access to nutrition when on long rides or races.

Top Recommendations: Quality Running Shorts

NikeNike running shorts are known for their high-quality materials and comfortable fit. They offer a range of styles, including options with moisture-wicking fabric to keep you dry during your runs.
AdidasAdidas running shorts provide excellent performance and style. Their innovative designs incorporate features like breathability and stretch for maximum comfort and mobility.
Under ArmourUnder Armour running shorts are built with advanced technologies to enhance your running experience. They offer a variety of options, including compression shorts for added support and durability.
LululemonLululemon’s running shorts combine style and functionality. Their shorts are made with sweat-wicking fabric and often feature convenient pockets to store essentials during your runs.
New BalanceNew Balance offers a range of quality running shorts suitable for various weather conditions. Their shorts are designed with insights from athletes to optimize comfort and performance.

Get Used To Race Day Meal Times

When you think about it, the race day meal schedule might not seem like a big deal. But it is. What you eat and when you eat it can make or break your performance throughout the day.

Eat a good breakfast: You don’t have to have an elaborate breakfast, but make sure that it’s substantial enough so that your energy levels don’t drop by lunchtime.

Eat a good lunch: This may be the best part of your day because this is when most people enjoy their favorite foods with friends and family after spending hours in the sun in 100+ degree heat! Make sure to keep calories high while keeping fat low. 

Some great options include grilled chicken breast with veggies and brown rice, deli turkey wrap (without cheese), hummus & pita chips on whole grain bread or even peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on whole wheat bread or gluten free tortillas/wraps if necessary! 

If there are any extra carbs left over from breakfast then definitely save them for here since they will go a long way toward helping keep those glycogen stores full until dinner time rolls around again later on tonight.”

Exploring the wilderness during off-road adventures requires basic survival techniques. Our article on surviving in the wilderness provides valuable insights into essential skills that can greatly enhance your off-road experience.

Return To Basics With Hydration

“You need to drink with your meals, before your meals and after,” said Dr. Tim Noakes, author of Waterlogged: 

The Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endurance Sports and a world-renowned expert on hydration. “Your urine should be clear and copious.”

Drinking before you become thirsty is key to staving off dehydration. Research has shown that athletes who drink before they’re thirsty are better able to maintain their performance levels when racing over long distances than those who rely on thirst alone (and thus can easily become dehydrated).

The best way to ensure you’re drinking often enough is to use the color of your urine as a guide: If it’s dark yellow or amber-colored and smells bad, you need more water; if it’s light yellow or clear, you should drink less until it becomes even lighter colored again; if it smells sweet like apple juice but looks as though someone peed in a bottle of wine (i.e., if there are bubbles present), then congratulations! You’ve reached peak hydration!

Top Recommendations: Hydration Essentials

CamelBakCamelBak offers a wide range of hydration products, including hydration packs and water bottles. Known for their quality and durability, their products are designed to keep you hydrated during your activities.
NalgeneNalgene is a popular brand known for their durable water bottles. They offer a variety of sizes, shapes, and lid options, making it easy to find the perfect bottle for your hydration needs.
Hydro FlaskHydro Flask is known for their insulated water bottles, which can keep your drinks cold for hours. Their stainless steel bottles come in various sizes and colors to suit your style and ensure optimal hydration.
GU Energy LabsGU Energy Labs provides a range of hydration products specifically designed for athletes and endurance activities. From electrolyte tabs to hydration mix, their products help replenish essential nutrients during your workouts.
OspreyOsprey offers hydration packs designed for outdoor enthusiasts. Their packs come with a hydration reservoir and convenient storage compartments, making it easy to stay hydrated on the go.

Add Some Enduro Protection To Your Kit

There are many ways to prepare for your first off-road race, but one of the most important things is protecting yourself from the sun.

Sunscreen: Wear a high factor sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure you apply it liberally (at least an hour before heading out) to all exposed areas of skin—your face, arms, hands and legs should all be covered with sunscreen! If you’re going to be riding in hot weather, consider wearing a hat as well.

Hat: A good quality wide-brimmed hat will keep most of your head protected from the direct rays of the sun while still being breathable enough so that it doesn’t get too hot on those long climbs up hills or rides through woods where there’s not much wind blowing through the trees.

Navigating dangerous terrains is a part of off-road driving, and prioritizing safety is vital. Learn effective safety tips for off-road drivers to ensure you are well-prepared and protected during your off-road races.

Fuel For The Long Haul

The most important thing to remember when planning for an off-road race is that you will burn more calories than you think. When I was training for my first competition, I thought that if I just ate like usual, everything would be fine. 

Not so much! Off-road racing is an endurance event you need to eat enough food to maintain energy levels throughout the day and night. 

You’ll also want to make sure your body has enough water at all times; dehydration can lead to cramping, which is no fun while driving in a car with no power steering or air conditioning (or brakes).

Carbohydrates are your best friend here because they’re quick fuel sources that give off immediate energy without weighing down your stomach as much as protein does. 

Proteins are still important though they help build muscle mass and improve mental focus, both of which are crucial when trying not only stay awake but also avoid getting lost in the woods during the night driving portion of an off-road race

Top Recommendations: Fuelling for Endurance

Clif BarClif Bar offers a variety of energy bars designed to provide sustained energy during long-duration activities. Their bars come in delicious flavors and are made with wholesome ingredients to keep you fueled throughout your endurance endeavors.
GU EnergyGU Energy provides a range of energy gels, chews, and drink mixes formulated for endurance athletes. Their products contain a balance of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and amino acids to keep your energy levels high and help delay fatigue.
PowerBarPowerBar offers a selection of energy bars and gels to provide quick and long-lasting energy for your extended activities. With a focus on taste and nutrition, their products are designed to keep you performing at your best.
Hammer NutritionHammer Nutrition specializes in endurance fueling with their line of energy gels, bars, and powdered drink mixes. Their products are created to provide sustained energy and promote optimal performance during endurance activities.
Honey StingerHoney Stinger offers a range of energy products, including organic energy gels, waffles, and chews. Their products are made with honey, providing a natural source of energy that is easily digestible and great tasting.

Note: The table lists top brand recommendations for fueling during long-duration activities. These brands offer a range of energy bars, gels, and other fueling options specifically designed to keep endurance athletes fueled and performing at their best.

Keep An Eye On Your Laces

Make sure your laces are tight. You don’t want your feet to slip out of your shoes during a run, so make sure they’re nice and snug. If the laces are frayed or too long, replace them before heading out on race day.

Use a lace lock to avoid tripping. The last thing you want is to be tripped up by one of your own shoes! A lace lock will help keep them in place while keeping the shoe’s tongue from slipping back down into its cavity while running.

Different terrains pose unique challenges to off-road drivers, and understanding how to handle them is essential. Discover the techniques for off-road driving on different terrains to enhance your skills and conquer every kind of landscape.

Don’t Forget The Sun Cream

Don’t forget to bring the sun cream.

As you can imagine, the desert is very hot and bright. It’s important to protect your skin from both of these harmful elements. 

The best way to do this is by wearing a hat and sunglasses—and also apply sun cream before you go out in the sun. If you do all this, then even if you’re not used to being in such harsh conditions for long periods at a time (like me), your skin will be fine!

But don’t think that just because I’m saying all this means that I’m some kind of expert on preparing for races: I’m not! It’s just something that took me by surprise when I started racing in Morocco; because it was really hot there I found myself spending more time than anticipated out in direct sunlight without protection over my face or arms (which weren’t covered up). 

When I got back home after having raced several times there during summertime months like July and August, however

Get Your Head In The Race

Ok, so this is the most important part of race prep. As you’re getting ready to head down to the start line, here’s what you need to do:

Forget everything you’ve ever learned about distance running and just focus on how awesome your feet feel as they hit the ground with each stride.

Forget anything that’s happened in your life before now and just tell yourself that today is going to be great because it’s going off-road!

Forget about cold weather or hot weather or anything except how good of a runner (and person!) you are! You deserve this medal! And if you don’t get one today? Well then another day for sure! Because everyone knows that running is healthy for us all—especially when we’re winning at it!

Off-road racing can be exhilarating but also risky. Being prepared with first aid knowledge is crucial. Learn about first aid for off-roaders to ensure you can provide immediate assistance when needed and race with peace of mind.

Invest In A Quality GPS Watch

Those who are new to the world of off-road racing can use a GPS watch to help them improve their race times, keep an eye on their heart rate and even measure their performance. They’re also great for training.

Track Your Progress: If you’re new to the idea of off-road racing, you’ll want a way to track your progress as well as learn from what has worked and what hasn’t worked in previous races. 

A good GPS watch can help with this by allowing you to replay past runs so that you can see where mistakes were made and how they could have been avoided. This is especially useful when it comes time for prepping for future races!

Train Smarter: If there’s one thing that most people don’t realize about training for an event like this is that it takes time—and lots of it! The longer and harder you train, the better preparedness will be when race day arrives (but don’t overdo it!). 

One way athletes can increase their endurance during workouts is by using heart rate monitors during exercise sessions—this will allow them know when they need rest before continuing with another set of reps or interval training session without having suffer through any unwanted side effects such as soreness later down the road…

Listen Up To Some Inspiring Playlist Tunes

One of the best ways to get pumped for your race is to listen to some inspiring playlist tunes.

If you’re anything like me, you probably already have an extensive list of songs that pump you up for a big event. 

And if it’s been awhile since your last big competition or event, maybe it’s time for a little refresher course on what gets your blood pumping and heart racing! Here are my top picks:

Pace Yourself Right From The Start

You’ve got a lot of racing ahead of you, and how you start is crucial. The first few miles are all about getting in the groove and finding your rhythm. 

You don’t want to go out too fast — it will only wear you down later in the race — but at the same time, don’t be afraid to push yourself a bit once things get going. 

The key is to stay focused on yourself and not worry about what other runners are doing around you. Don’t think about where they’re going or whether they’re faster than you; just keep your head down and focus on putting one foot in front of another while keeping good form (more on that below).

There’s no need to do anything special with your pacing until after mile 1 (i.e., if an evenly paced 5K feels like 7:00/mile). 

If something goes wrong with your shoes or clothes during this initial stretch, take care of it quickly but remain focused on running smoothly rather than looking around for a new pair or shirt—you’ll have plenty of time later!


I hope that this article has helped you to understand what it takes to prepare for your first off-road race. 

I know that it can be a little nerve wracking, but once you get over the initial fear and trepidation of doing something new, everything else will fall into place. 

If this is something that interests you then I encourage anyone who reads my blog post today to go out and try it! It’s an amazing experience that everyone should have at least once in their life time.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you further prepare for your first off-road race:

Prepping for Your First Motocross or Off-Road Race: This article provides valuable tips and insights on how to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and logistically for your first race.

7 Ways You Can Prepare for Your First Race: Discover seven practical ways to prepare yourself for your first race, including training advice, nutrition tips, and mental preparation strategies.

How to Prepare for an Enduro: This guide focuses specifically on preparing for an enduro race, covering essential training exercises, bike maintenance, and mental preparation techniques.


How long does it take to prepare for an off-road race?

The time required to prepare for an off-road race varies depending on factors such as your current fitness level, experience, and the specific race you’re participating in. Generally, it is recommended to allocate several weeks or even months for training, conditioning, and acquiring the necessary skills.

What safety gear is essential for off-road racing?

Safety should be a top priority when participating in off-road races. Essential safety gear includes a helmet, goggles, gloves, boots, knee and elbow pads, and a chest protector. It is crucial to invest in high-quality gear that fits properly and provides adequate protection.

How can I improve my off-road racing skills?

Improving off-road racing skills takes a combination of practice, training, and experience. Enrolling in off-road riding schools, practicing different techniques on various terrains, and seeking guidance from experienced racers can greatly enhance your skills and confidence on the track.

What should I include in my pre-race checklist?

Creating a pre-race checklist ensures you don’t overlook any important tasks or items. Some key items to include are bike maintenance, checking and packing your safety gear, organizing necessary tools and spare parts, bringing hydration and nutrition supplies, and reviewing the race rules and route.

How do I stay mentally focused during an off-road race?

Mental focus plays a significant role in off-road racing. Techniques such as visualization, setting goals, practicing mindfulness, and maintaining a positive mindset can help you stay focused during the race. Building mental resilience through training and experience is also beneficial in overcoming challenges encountered on the track.